Four Categories of People
In the past years as a producer with Touch Music Productions, I have talked with a number of Christian singers, songwriters, and musicians. Many have expressed a desire to minister through music and song and to be an effective witness for the Lord using their gifts and talents as well as having their songs produced or record an album. As a music production company and a producer, it’s my job and desire to assist those who need musical production for their compositions, a demo, or album project. After I have given all the facts and figures to making a cost effective product, many of these people have not accomplished what they have a desire to do for various reasons. I have arrived to a conclusion many people fall into one of 4 categories.
The 4 categories applicable to most people are:
1. Those who make things happen.
2. Those who watch others make things happen.
3. Those who talk about making things happen.
4. Those who haven't a clue as to how to make things happen.
1. Those who make things happen. (King David)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who have direction, goals, motivation, perseverance, and determination?
They are resourceful and usually accomplished what they set out to do.
2. Those who watch others make things happen. (The Rich Man)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who watch the people with direction, goals, motivation, perseverance, and determination? They often wish they could do the same, but are not willing to pay the price. It is just a past time or a hobby. They are also indecisive.
3. Those who talk about making things happen. (Peter)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who can say all of the right things to make others believe they are or will accomplish something. But will never follow through because of circumstances or waiting for someone to do it for them. They have a desire to make things happen, but do not want to put forth the effort and will always have an excuse.
4. Those who haven't a clue as to how to make things happen.
Copyright 1998 Ray L. Baker / Producer
In the past years as a producer with Touch Music Productions, I have talked with a number of Christian singers, songwriters, and musicians. Many have expressed a desire to minister through music and song and to be an effective witness for the Lord using their gifts and talents as well as having their songs produced or record an album. As a music production company and a producer, it’s my job and desire to assist those who need musical production for their compositions, a demo, or album project. After I have given all the facts and figures to making a cost effective product, many of these people have not accomplished what they have a desire to do for various reasons. I have arrived to a conclusion many people fall into one of 4 categories.
The 4 categories applicable to most people are:
1. Those who make things happen.
2. Those who watch others make things happen.
3. Those who talk about making things happen.
4. Those who haven't a clue as to how to make things happen.
1. Those who make things happen. (King David)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who have direction, goals, motivation, perseverance, and determination?
They are resourceful and usually accomplished what they set out to do.
2. Those who watch others make things happen. (The Rich Man)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who watch the people with direction, goals, motivation, perseverance, and determination? They often wish they could do the same, but are not willing to pay the price. It is just a past time or a hobby. They are also indecisive.
3. Those who talk about making things happen. (Peter)
Are singers, songwriters and musicians who can say all of the right things to make others believe they are or will accomplish something. But will never follow through because of circumstances or waiting for someone to do it for them. They have a desire to make things happen, but do not want to put forth the effort and will always have an excuse.
4. Those who haven't a clue as to how to make things happen.
Copyright 1998 Ray L. Baker / Producer