What Is a Christian Musician?
I use to say that I’m a “CHRISTIAN MUSICIAN” until about five years ago when I realize the “box’ I was placing myself in. I now say that I am a musician who is a Christian. We tend to label things as “Christian” or Ministry” to justify something that may be viewed as secular by other Christians and to bring it into the Church. Think about it. Do you know anyone who calls them self a Mormon Musician, or Buddhist Musician? What about a Christian Doctor or Christian Car Salesman.
In the real “musical world”, “Can you play” is what they want to know, not if you are a Christian. If you can play you have earn their respect. Mean while they are examining your lifestyle. If you are sincerely walking with Christ, it will become apparent to others. The way many secular musicians view Christian musicians is that cannot play. I play jazz, not Christian jazz. There is no such thing as Christian jazz, or Christian football or the basketball ministry. Jazz incorporated many different forms of music such as Latin, funk, fusion and bop but it is jazz. So what is Christian jazz? There are usually no lyrics in jazz, it's mainly instrumental. Once lyrics or a text is added, it becomes something different. But we are not talking about lyrical content.
What we are talking about is your musicianship. If you call it Christian jazz, do you play Christian Bebop, Rock, or Country any differently than Bebop, Rock, or Country? As a Christian, does the Holy Spirit not dwell in you if you play Bebop, Rock, or Country that is not Christian? When we are performing on stage in a secular venue are we playing any differently than we do in church? Are we only “anointed if we play Christian jazz. Rock etc.?
As Christians what ever we do we should do our best unto God, and by doing our best we are glorifying God. Glorifying God has nothing to do with whether or not it is Christian Smooth Jazz etc. but it is what is in your heart. So lets call it what it is and not "spiritualize or justify" to be acceptable to the "religious" masses. Just as I not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I’m not ashamed to play jazz or to be a musician who is a Christian that plays jazz.
Copyright 2001 Ray L. Baker / Producer
I use to say that I’m a “CHRISTIAN MUSICIAN” until about five years ago when I realize the “box’ I was placing myself in. I now say that I am a musician who is a Christian. We tend to label things as “Christian” or Ministry” to justify something that may be viewed as secular by other Christians and to bring it into the Church. Think about it. Do you know anyone who calls them self a Mormon Musician, or Buddhist Musician? What about a Christian Doctor or Christian Car Salesman.
In the real “musical world”, “Can you play” is what they want to know, not if you are a Christian. If you can play you have earn their respect. Mean while they are examining your lifestyle. If you are sincerely walking with Christ, it will become apparent to others. The way many secular musicians view Christian musicians is that cannot play. I play jazz, not Christian jazz. There is no such thing as Christian jazz, or Christian football or the basketball ministry. Jazz incorporated many different forms of music such as Latin, funk, fusion and bop but it is jazz. So what is Christian jazz? There are usually no lyrics in jazz, it's mainly instrumental. Once lyrics or a text is added, it becomes something different. But we are not talking about lyrical content.
What we are talking about is your musicianship. If you call it Christian jazz, do you play Christian Bebop, Rock, or Country any differently than Bebop, Rock, or Country? As a Christian, does the Holy Spirit not dwell in you if you play Bebop, Rock, or Country that is not Christian? When we are performing on stage in a secular venue are we playing any differently than we do in church? Are we only “anointed if we play Christian jazz. Rock etc.?
As Christians what ever we do we should do our best unto God, and by doing our best we are glorifying God. Glorifying God has nothing to do with whether or not it is Christian Smooth Jazz etc. but it is what is in your heart. So lets call it what it is and not "spiritualize or justify" to be acceptable to the "religious" masses. Just as I not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I’m not ashamed to play jazz or to be a musician who is a Christian that plays jazz.
Copyright 2001 Ray L. Baker / Producer